Enjoy and feel the opening springtime in nature, listen to the birds, breathe in the golden fresh air, feel the sun warming the skin, hug a tree for some minutes and open the heart while
doing so.
Time for the spring cleaning, (surroundings and lifestyle), open all the windows on the warmer days and welcome in the spirit of spring, get rid of the unnecessary junk, sweep all clean, and
bring into focus inspiring plans for the unfolding year.
Smile and Laugh. It may sound odd to just laugh away ones problems, but there's enough evidence regarding the health benefits of lightheartedness and laughter. With Happiness also comes
great healing, so seek happiness producing creative activities or spend time with people who are light hearted and make us laugh.
There's no issue how we make our prayers and blessings, but one thing is for sure, no matter how we address the divine, our prayers are always heard. A fine way to start the day is to
say a prayer. No need for a long dedication or ritual. A simple quiet acknowledgment to the nature or the local spirits, can bring in protection and positive surrounding energy for the day.
Try to leave out the stress enhancing polluting car and invest in a bicycle, money will be saved, and it's a great way to keep up a level of fitness, cycling also brings a great feeling of
freedom especially out in the countryside.
Plant the seeds, flowers and vegetables and grow with the unfolding year. Gardening is a fine creative form of active therapy, bringing feelings of health, success and home grown fruit, herbs
and vegetables.
Check the Diet, leave out the unhealthy meat and go for lots of green leaves, apples, fresh salads, nuts, carrots, oranges, lemons and simply sing through the day.
Don't forget the water. Good fresh water is very important for the body and the mind, keep yourself well hydrated throughout the day as the warm days start. Even half a litre in a long glass
can dramatically reduce any stress within a few minutes.
Create a shrine in the house or garden to focus spiritual intentions and bring in a doorway where spirit can pass through.
Meet up with good hearted people, spiritual kindred and soul friends for encouragement, mutual support and enjoyment.
Initiate a bit of happy springtime meditation (slow walking or sitting in stillness) brings in the balance and peace even when its only a few minutes each day.