Magic of the Robin

The little red robin widespread across Europe, is a well known, easy to recognise bird with such wonderful magical melodies, and still singing now in the middle of Autumn.


He has his place in european myth and some old wisdom surrounding this bird suggests that it should never be harmed, or misfortune shall affect the perpetrator.


In one legend, the robin was all brown until it was touched with the blood of Christ as Christ hung on the cross. Another legend says that the robin scorched its red breast in the fires of Purgatory, mercifully taking drops of water in its beak for the lips of the parched souls in torment. In Wales this act has earned the bird the name bro-rhuddyn - `breast burnt´.


Yet another interesting story states that: if a robin dies in ones hand, that hand will always shake uncontrollably...


Old English Anonymous text: "how badly you write", I said one day to a boy in our parish school; "your hand shakes so you can't hold the pen steady. Have you been running, or anything of that sort?" "No" replied the lad, "it always shakes, I once had a robin die in my hand; and ever since then my hand shakes".


Hundreds of years ago robins were nicknamed redbreasts, in those times postmen wore red tunics and were nicknamed robins and over time the robin was nicknamed `Robin Redbreast´.

Are loved ones still around after this life?

Are loved ones hanging around after they pass away, recently a whole array of stories have surfaced about this issue but this time it isn't just  superstition, the interesting thing is the little robin always makes an appearance in these stories.

  • Sylvia Rafter: "My Mum passed in June. I was driving home to get clothes when my neighbour was driving towards me. We both stopped and I broke down telling her about Mum. She put her hand over her mouth and pointed and there, on my car mirror, was perched a robin... even with the engine running."
  • Stacey Woodhouse: "The day after my Mum's funeral, my husband and I decided to still go on a weekend camping trip that had been arranged before her passing. A robin flew around us, landing in our picnic table. She then proceeded to hop into our awning and through into our camper van. She stayed there looking at us for a good few minutes while I chatted with her. I felt an immense sense of calm. My mum loved joining us for camping trips, even it was only for a few hours and a cuppa tea."
  • Sharon Sandford: "I have always believed robins to be a sign that a loved one is near. Never failed to see one at the cemetery when visiting my brother's resting place. My mum died last November and we buried her ashes next to my brother on what would have been his birthday. The biggest robin appeared and actually went into the grave. He then hopped over to my Dad and then came to me. I feel so happy and think of Mum whenever I see one."
  • Corrina Whelen: "The first time we visited my nana's resting place after she died, a robin appeared on her headstone. And for a long time after that a robin would appear on the wall outside the kitchen window every time my mother called to my house. I believe in robins and white feathers."
  • Andrea Helliwell: "There is often a robin around my late first husband and baby daughter's grave. It brings with it such a feeling of peace. My Dad always said he would come back as a robin because everybody loved them. Each time a family member has died, I have seen a robin so now I make sure I feed the robins on my bird table."
  • Laney Head: "I see a robin every day when I am at my son's grave or walking past his park where he used to play. Never was that Robin there before he passed. It is only since 29.12.2016. God bless."

Well it certainly seems that we are being watched, or at the least finer Kraft is being felt by the bird.


The little robin could well be a messenger, simply letting us know that someone on the other side loves us and is thinking of us after their passing over, just like the postman bringing messages and information!.

Robin Fact File

  • The robin has a distinctive `tick tick´ call and a wonderful melodious high pitched yet deep in colour melody. its song is usually sung to ward off other birds from its territory and to attract a mate.The robins melodies although not rooftop blackbird style, are still incredible complex melodies which can be heard throughout most of the year.
  • Three quarters of robins die before they are one year old! either caught by predators, or unable to fend for themselves due to loss of habitat.
  • Robins are fiercely territorial over food supply. Not more than one robin will occupy a small garden, unless it's their partner.
  • In winter the robin puffs up its plumage to insulate its body against cold winds.
  • When the male robin has found a partner, he will bring her food, worms, caterpillars etc, which she begs for noisily while quivering her wings and is often mistaken by the observer as a mother feeding the young.
  • The robin is very fond of gardeners working in the garden, enjoying the worms and grubs available from freshly turned earth.

Peter Carvello.

October 2024.